My 3 minute warning against the Wireless Mesh
Its antennas will spy on, fry & coerce Americans into a Digital GULAG!
While Health Freedom advocates are distracted cleaning up the mess from the Covid perps, Big Telecom has been bribing its puppets in Congress to push through a forest of Wireless bills, to carpet America with 5G antennas outside our bedrooms, classrooms, offices, parks and farms.
If my 3 minute warning awakens you, will you share this?
Industry wants their forest of antenas to monetize our data, while global elitists want a mesh of censors to coerce our behavior via trackable ID, cancellable currency, energy-rationing carbon footprints and medical compliance passports - all under Agenda 2030 of the UN - which you can email your politicians to leave!
None of these bills are needed, and if passed would seal the coffin on our health and liberty.
FCC has been under order of a Federal Appeals Court since 2021 to review 11,000 pages of scientific evidence of biological harm to humans the environment, before updating their Electromagenetic Radio Frequency radiation exposure guidelines. One of the big studies in this package, the 2018 National Toxicology Program study, found DNA damage and cancer. When the EPA wanted even back in 1996 to study long term harms from this environmental pollutant, they were defunded from making such inquiry. Talk about suspicious!
The rallying cry for the bills is to “bridge the broadband digital divide”, but wireless antennas are responsible for this divide. They last only 5 years, while industry sunsets phones to impose upgrade costs that are by definition regressive. What will bridge this divide - and in a way that’s safe - is fiber or cable to everyone’s home, office, school, park and farm. Fiber lasts half a century, and is more cost-effective than wireless in the long run.
Industry was supposed to bring Fiber to the Premise (FTP), but diverted the revenue from phone taxes instead to wireless - as exposed in the Irregulators Lawsuit. This lawsuit allows states to audit the malfeasance, to hopefully claw back stolen funds to redirect to rural and urban underserved fiber connections.
Even if Telecom can’t be made to adhere to their promise, local governments have been solving these gaps - with their own fiber networks. They’ve been remarkably successful. Chattanooga’s network, for example, leases access to Telecom companies, making money for the locality that can be used to offer discounts to families with school-aged children.
Wired connections are reliable and secure. Wireless, on the other hand, is inherently insecure - as warned by Obama FCC Commissioner Tom Wheeler. Fooling farmers into their own IoT will expose our food supply to hacking by global enemies who’ve publicly placed our sustenance in their crosshairs.
Microwave ecology will depress milk yield and harm the biome of the soil & livestock - as a European court found when shutting down a Cell Tower for killing 40 out 200 cows and cutting by 20% the surviving cows’ milk yield. Farm-filled sensors will trap families with a new cost, from antenna upgrades - threatening them with bankruptcy and yet more farms sold to Bill Gates. Rep. Massie has started the push back against IoT ag - trying to defund RFID cow tracking.
And carpeting our national parks with antennas will result in more fires - and dangers to residents when those towers can’t be used to warn them how to escape (as happened with a Napa California fire in the below image). And who wants to hike in a park under a forest of censors - especially stressed patients whom doctors even prescribe to visit such parks to escape digitalization. And it’s not like this wireless mesh is needed by hikers in distress - any one of them now can text 911.
The worst bills of them all are HR 3557 and HR 4141, preempting local ordinances keeping wireless antennas safely away from neighborhoods, schools and parks. As Realtors lose deals when homebuyers smartly refuse a nice home whose value is suppressed by a nearby light pole antenna, hopefully they will join the grassroots to insist on Fiber to the Premise.
Meanwhile, in trying to politicize the Internet by issuing a Net Neutrality Rule, the FCC’s proposal also, unintentionally, preempts local authority on wireless antenna location. Democrats have told my advocacy team they don’t want to deal with that dilemma - between wanting neutrality but opposing preemption.
Sneaky Congress will try to slip these bills through the end-of-session Spending bill, or through a larger bill like HR 4510, reauthorizing the NTIA. Everyone needs to send NHF’s email to their politicians, to stop the Wireless Mesh.
Any politician who lets Telecom deny our informed consent right to refuse a nearby antenna, will lose election. We just fought like hell to defeat Pharma’s vaxx mandate; we’re not about to sit idly by as they replace one threat to humanity with another.
To join the semiweekly National Call for Safe Technology to learn how to have safe electronics, click here. To learn not just the wireless threat, but all threats to health, join NHF’s monthly zoom.
The farmers must say no - they are the last line of Earthy defense between the end of life, and the beginning of the internet of "things". aka NEEDS TO BE SEEN. I COULD USE SOME HELP HERE!!!!!! 67 yr old activist is getting worn out and discouraged. NEED HELP!