When it comes to Health Freedom, no doubt the name of Robert F. Kennedy has taken the lead for Informed Consent, better health and an end to industry capture of governmental policy. His Childrens Health Defense isn’t the only Health Freedom org, though, nor the one always with the best campaigns.
While Kennedy expertly has set the context for the fight of the ages: ending the environmental toxins causing the real epidemic, CHRONIC disease, he’s not leading action on all the causes. Indeed, long before CHD, National Health Federation (NHF) was leading - and continues to lead - the Health Freedom movement.
As evidence, compare CHD’s actions with NHF’s, on the chronic disease aggrevators: For pollution of our:
land: RFK speaks on the presidential campaign trail eloquently on ending Big Food’s capture of the EPA and USDA, but NHF has one campaign actively helping the Northwest Center for Alternatives to Pesticides advocate for stronger pesticide regulation and against preemption of local organic requirements, and another campaign against state liability exemptions;
food: RFK long has opposed GMOs, but NHF has the campaign to help lawyer Tom Renz demand labeling and restrictions on livestock over-vaccination, and another NHF campaign to help politician Tom Massey defund - among other threats to health freedom - research on “edible” vaccines;
water: RFK speaks wonderfully on PFAS and reports on the lawsuit against fluoridated water, while NHF led this fight in the 1970s and recently platformed the lead fluoride activist on its monthly Brainstorm;
medicine: RFK’s org (among others) during Covid pressured FDA and CDC not to extend emergency shot authorization to toddlers, while NHF thought a more significant effort should cajole members of Congress to pressure these recalcitrant bureaucracies. Our toddler shot congressional letters were authored by Senator Cruz, Reps. Posey, Gohmert & Duncan, and eleven other representatives, first opposing rubber stamp approval, and the second letter - with 18 cosigners - asking tough questions FDA wouldn’t be able to answer. Vaccine tech inventor Robert Malone wrote approvingly about the letter, also subject of a Epoch Times article. Then, seeing the outrage over keeping Novak Djokovic out of the U.S Open Tennis Championship, we saw another opportunity to force Congress to get involved. We got our congressional friends to write a 3rd letter, this time to President Biden - to lift the unvaxxed visitor ban. Gaining over half a dozen co-signers, the letter garnered coverage in Daily Caller.
air: RFK’s org successfully sued (with other orgs) to expose FCC’s weak wireless emission limits, but only NHF is lobbying with the Safe Tech coalition against a plethora of congressional bills threatening antennas outside our bedrooms, classrooms, offices, farms and parks.
And on the “air” cause of chronic disease, only NHF has a campaign for Congress and the states to track atmospheric jet emissions to expose and stop geoengineering.
Further, NHF is the only “natural health” negotiator at the United Nation’s Food Trade standardization body - alone against the same special interest corporations behind the chronic disease polluters above.
So while RFK deserves support for his leadership in Health Freedom, he’s not leading on every aspect of the movement - nor was his history such that he supported issues that formed NHF back in the 1950s.
It was back in that decade when we helped maverick healers withstand persecution from the FDA, state licensing boards and the AMA. Ironically, the energy modalities earning results in that decade make the state-of-the-art for chronic disease healing today.
Indeed, today we’re still protecting maverick healers from government. Here’s our campaign to replace state licensing with voluntary, fraud-enforced certification - as presented by a sponsor of such a bill on a monthly NHF Brainstorm. RFK is clueless about this issue.
NHF also played a lead role over the decades in legalizing accupuncture, chiropractors and the 1994 Nutritional Supplements law that faces attacks even today from pHARMa. RFK’s party - the Democrats - are behind regular attacks on natural care.
What’s next for NHF and Health Freedom?
(1) Continue our leadership with the Safe Tech Coalition to defeat bills to spy on, fry and coerce compliance via the Wireless Mesh. You can help by sending our email and joining our semimonthly zooms to organize lobbying and education.
(2) Reintroduce and gain cosponsors for our bill to establish a national exemption for any federally-touched vaccine, and prohibit the government from continuing to ignore the higher chronic disease outcomes in studies comparing the vaccinated to the unvaxxed. With CDC reporting the highest use ever of exemptions, parents are Covid-awakened and ready to join the Health Freedom movement to end mandates for ALL shots. Millions of Americans belong to organizations that have endorsed the National Informed Consent Exemption (NICE) Act.
(3) Defeat the FARM bill’s preemption of local organic protections.
(4) Stop the FDA’s attack on pHARMa’s natural alternatives - in homeopathy and natural compounding, and nutritional supplements (NHF last year recruited members of Congress to help our friends at the Natural Products Association convince 15 members of Congress to cosign a letter urging deletion of Senator Durbin’s Listing requirement that would empower the FDA to deny acceptance as a “supplement” certain nutraceuticals such as Covid-fighting NAC.
(5) Generate momentum to:
stop livestock overvaccination;
track and limit atmospheric, geoengineering pollution;
expand tax-favored Health Savings Accounts and more competitive healthplan markets; and
devolve unconstitutional health bureaucracies to the states, where they can do less damage to health and liberty.
To learn how to help on the above campaigns, subscribe for the monthly invitation to our Health Freedom Brainstorm, where we platform leaders on all the issues.
These speakers are cooperating with NHF on how to email your politicians, and then, hopefully, train you to schedule a zoom with your Rep where NHF’s lobbyist (Charles Frohman) can do the talking on the issue - with you adding details how the issue affects the congressional district and you personally.
NHF may not be as well-funded as other Health Freedom orgs, but our uninterrupted experience from the 1950s makes our money count on campaigns that matter.
If you give a monthly NHF donation of any amount - $5, $15, $25 or $125 - you have now the gameplan above how we’ll use it for effective Health Freedom campaigns.
Join our monthly Brainstorm this Friday!