Join Friday zoom to go on Vaccine Offense!
State bills to revive or hamper Informed Consent need your Grassroots help
In June 2022, vaccine inventor, turned skeptic Robert Malone substacked on a congressional letter generated by my lobbying client National Health Federation (that the FDA ignored), demanding answers to tough questions before the FDA extended the COVID-19 shot emergency authorization to toddlers. Later that Summer, the Daily Caller highlighted another NHF congressional letter (this time refused by President Biden) – to lift the unvaxxed visitor ban keeping Novak Djokovic out of the U.S. Open Tennis tournament. The drive for vaccine informed consent federally and in the 50 states continues Friday, noon ET, if you scroll down here to register to join NHF’s zoom.
Will you share this article to friends ready to go on offense on informed consent, to Make America Healthy Again (MAHA)?
In the year preceding the above letters, NHF had helped former Congressman Gohmert introduce the National Informed Consent Exemption (NICE) Act, a bill to forbid Federal vaccine mandates without a right to refuse, and forbid the government from continuing to ignore the impact of over-vaccination on the real epidemic – chronic disease – by requiring that the U.S. Surgeon General report to a Vaccine Safety Committee on Disease Outcome results in studies comparing the unvaxxed to the vaxxed.
Our bill is supported by organizations such as:
Childrens Health Defense
Association of American Physicians and Surgeons
Physicians for Informed Consent
Stand for Health Freedom
Moms Across America
Eagle Forum of CA
National Home School Ass’n
Homeopathic Education Services
Weston A. Price Foundation, and
National Vaccine Information Center (NVIC).
Please send now NHF’s email for the NICE act.
For the past decade when parents with vaccine-injured kids have sought medical freedom groups to oppose State attacks on medical, religious, and/or conscientious/philosophical exemptions, they discovered the amazing guidance from National Vaccine Information Center (NVIC) - whose website tracks both good and bad bills. They inevitably meet Dawn Richardson, who is returning this Friday to provide an update on a similar presentation that she gave NHF last January when she adeptly analyzed trends found from previous legislative sessions.
I met Dawn around 2012 or 2016 when help Governor Gary Johnson run for president. I was COO of his nonprofit, Our America Initiative, which allied with groups in the 50 states to raise our name ID. NVIC was helpful in getting OAI to support vaccine informed consent efforts in Mississippi, Vermont and other states - including in Virginia, where we defeated a meningitis jab mandate two legislative terms in a row.
Along with other health-freedom groups, NVIC’s importance rose during the Plandemic when Americans found themselves facing a national employer jab mandate and stuck in States with Governors resistant to any curtailment of their Orwellian power to declare Emergency Powers and thus suspend human rights to resist dangerous countermeasures.
Moreover, attorney Tom Renz is warning about the Federal-State pressure for Child Protective Service to force vaccinations upon children during the next Fakedemic.
With the CDC reporting that more parents than ever are exempting their kids from the non-COVID-19 shots, now is the time in all 50 States for us to go on the offense – a goal that you can help by sending NHF’s emails:
to guarantee State vaccine informed consent even during an Emergency;
to restore vaccine injury liability onto pHARMa; and
for the States (and Congress) to start the process to amend the Constitution to guarantee Medical Freedom.
Finally you could help push Congress and the Administration (as well as the States) to take bold steps against the crony regulatory capture behind America’s poor health, by sending NHF’s MAHA email to your politicians.
The drive for vaccine informed consent federally and in the 50 states continues Friday, noon ET, if you scroll down here to register to join NHF’s zoom.
If you like NHF’s Health Freedom lobbying, we could use a one-time or recurring donation to keep us influencing the political system for our health and rights.
Will you share this article to friends ready to go on offense on informed consent, to Make America Healthy Again (MAHA)?