Since 2018, weekly, Freedom Hub has hosted “Health Biz & Politics”, formerly called, “Cash Patients, Free Markets”. Same thing, effectively. Here were the top shows in 2022.
To see the recordings, at our Freedom Hub Media page, scroll to the bottom and click our channels (Brighteon goes back the farthest).
Those caring not just about health but also about all markets - and controversies that push the envelope, check out the most-viewed shows of our other weekly show, Freedom Hub.
So, here were the most viewed HEALTH shows over the past 12 months…
in reverse order…
#10 Meditation to empower team-members. Sat Kirtan Kaur led us in 3 minute breathing sessions - with mantra - CEOs can hire for workers to learn, to become “their own CEO”. Employees no longer want the typical trainer; they want holistic partners to relieve stress to enjoy ones path.
#9 Patients have been Misled and Misfed. Futurist Robbins explained widespread nutrient deficiency itself is poorly understood, and that we have too much iron and not enough copper - and even recommended giving blood as one part of needed detoxification. Amazing presentation.
#8 Empowered Patients must advocate for Health Freedom. In my own presentation I explained how to upgrade from choice-limiting ObamaCare insurance to shopping-enabling Medical Cost Sharing. And that to expand those choices everyone needs to help health freedom advocates take on the cartel whose capture of government is hurting our health.
#7 Med School Teacher Fired for Speaking against Covid narrative. Dr. Montalvo next formed a Health Freedom Ministry - not a church, but a mindset. Upgrading his method to incorporate more natural healing, he preaches that health freedom is the most important grassroots issue.
#6 - Is the Covid virus Fake? Dr. Kaufman used the failure to isolate the Covid virus to revive Bechamb’s terrain theory - as opposed to Pasteur’s viral theory. Are viral DNA fragments - as well as bacteria and parasites - just waste products released by natural human immunity and detoxification?
and the top 5…
#5 - Vaxx persecution of the Religious & frontline ER personnel. When Maine’s government fired frontline emergency personnel for not vaccine for Covid, Ms. Kreck’s group sued. That government wasn’t finished. Also they’ve prohibited children from escaping the rest of the vaccines for legitimate religious concerns. Will parents rise to force politicians to respect Informed Consent and quit enabling the terrifying power of the Medical Industrial Complex?
#4 - Overvaxxing Harming Soldier Readiness. When Dr. Sigoloff blew the whistle in Senator Johnson’s Covid corruption hearings that the military’s vaccine database was showing excess Covid vaccine injury, he was fired from the Army for issuing vaxx medical exemptions. Upgrading to a more integrated clinic, the doctor is struggling to open a private practice because of retributional persecution from the govt licensing cartel.
#3 - Employers should get out of the health biz. LinkedIn is full of “Rosetta” health benefit advisors who save money and empower consumers, but Trump’s expansion of the Individual Coverage Health Reimbursement Arrangement (ICHRA) does the former while setting up benefits to be owned by the worker when they leave the job. Further, as Mr. Markland presented, it allows employers to leave the risk game. In a related show, Mr. Alley expanded on this solution, demonstrating how it allows upgrading from choice-restricted insurance to shopping-enabled Medical Cost Sharing.
#2 - Don’t let reversible Diabetes trap you in Pharma’s forever drugs. Fellow kundalini yoga teacher Natalia Schifini is making waves on Instagram and LinkedIn with her radical protocols to “reverse diabetes holistically” from a position of “self love and extreme self-care”.
#1 - Vax injuries stem not from ingredients, but rather from delivery. Cancer DNA vaccine entrepreneur Girardot has the “Bolus” theory, that doctors are causing injuries merely from incorrect injection methods. It’s bad enough medical students get at most a day on infectious disease vaccination science, but we may be suffering a malpractice epidemic that needs a hearing, now.
Honorable Mention:
#11 - Covid exploded heart disease, & the PaledoCardiologist recommends a chiropractor for primary care. Dr. Wolfson triggered the pharma ad-reliant media when belittling measles alarmism, and shocked Freedom Hub by encouraging chiropractors, not allopaths, for primary care. For the increasing CV vaxx victims in his practice, he presented his protocol.
#12 - Edible Landscaping to escape FrankenFood. Dr. Bruce presented how to grow healthy plants instead of a chemical lawn, and described building in harmony with nature.
#13 - Patients should seek Cash Doctors. Hospital doctors are rushing patients whose more complicated chronic disease require more time in an appointment. Rheumatologist McKnight wants doctors to know that it’s better for patients and providers to replace reimbursement with direct payment. To organize independent doctors, another presenter, Dr. Houston, explained her blockchain-based organization for provider control over their own credentialing.
Other good ones you should see include:
the savings account-based Medicare option hidden from retirees
the superiority of nasal cleaning over antibiotics
the tragedy of psychiatric drugging
Dems turning over American health decisions to globalist bureaucrats
Oncologist-free Breast Cancer healing
Seeing a Kundalini Yoga therapist for healing
Maverick healers and natural patients are using Private Membership Associations to escape pharma-govt persecution of effective healing
Freedom Hub thanks all its wonderful guests, for teaching America about better health.
Please subscribe for the zoom here.
Insightful Interview with Marc Girardot: Delving into the Bolus Theory
Join us for an insightful conversation with Marc Girardot as we explore his Bolus Theory. In this interview, Girardot, with his rich experience in business and consulting and a keen focus on COVID research, offers a thought-provoking perspective on how vaccines might be linked to conditions like Alzheimer's and Autism.
Girardot's approach is both analytical and reflective. He not only explains his theories in a manner that's easy to understand but also shares the personal and professional challenges he's faced due to his unique viewpoints. This interview is an opportunity to see how thoughtful exploration can lead to new understandings of health and science.
Couldn't agree more. Marc Girardot is right on target. Anyone not reading his work is poorly informed. Yet to find anyone falsify his work. Meanwhile a bunch of theories come and go and the distractions and hysteria continue.
Accidental IV injection ... Bolus, ...Endothelium micro-perforation (holes),.... Stem cell contamination and more. Marc explains so much of what we are dealing with, including mRNA and adverse events common to all vaccines I've been reading a litany of articles and watching podcast after podcast for the past few years, nothing else makes this much sense. He has dedicated thousands of solitary hours to discovering the intricacies of the Bolus theory and his work is quietly and consistently getting stronger. Slow and steady wins the race.. Find Marc on twitter and substack and decide for yourself. He is super conscientious with replying to questions. Thanks for highlighting his incredible work. He really is onto something that has the potential to save my/our children from untold harm.