Tomorrow is every CEO's chance to ESCAPE HealthBenefits Risk
Using ICHRA to add Sharing Saves America from ObamaCare
On noon ET Wed my insurance agent friend Steve Alley will present again on Freedom Hub’s health show, how Trump’s expanded Individual Coverage Health Reimbursement Arrangement (ICHRA) brings the long-desired health reforms of price transparency, portability & integrating care. And not because of ICHRA itself, but rather because its ObamaCare compliance allows addition of Sharing.
CEOs and even smallbiz owners can click here to join Wed’s discussion, then if interested click my HealthShare page, then “groups” to submit a “census” that will come to me - after which I’ll schedule a conversation to hear your benefit goals. (Heads of household who want just an individual or family plan can click my page, then fill out the “questionnaire”). Or just email to contact me now.
No Market without Prices
Of the happiness gained from adding Sharing via ICHRA to your company, price transparency is something for which Trump also deserves credit - for disgorging real prices against the will of Big Hospitals. Sharing companies use price-disgorging vendors to help patients access quality-priced drugs, tests & specialists, so getting CEOs to add Sharing as a benefit will bring rational pricing without which our country never will gain an actual market with real prices.
Benefits should be Personal
Sharing isn’t a group benefit by nature, so when offered in a group setting employees can take the Sharing with them when they leave the job. Since Sharing doesn’t exclude half a region’s providers like ObamaCare does via the cruel use of networks, workers will be happy to retain such access to the specialists and hospitals they prefer. And since Sharing companies don’t suffer the reputation insurers do with adversarially denying claims (a controversy that overshadowed the tragic murder of United Health’s CEO), workers will be happier with Sharing. My brokerage’s retention rate with Sharing customers bolsters this comparative advantage of Sharing over ObamaCare.
Indeed, our brokerage was featured by health scholar John Goodman in his Forbes article about the best alternatives to ObamaCare. He featured us for:
being available to business owners, not just heads of household
having a concierage shopping assistant our members can call for advice how to act as a cash patient, and locate well-priced drugs, tests & specialists
combining Sharing with the popular HSA, the savings account in which families can roll over thousands of dollars annually to build $100,000 by retirement, or to use for Out of Pocket now or in later years (for Medicare gaps or long term care, for example).
ICHRA for large biz, Listbill for Small
When you talk with me about adding Sharing with HSAs to your family or biz, we’ll bring in Mr. Alley for larger businesses, to first enroll your workers in ICHRA - for compliance. ICHRA also enables sicker workers to keep ObamaCare during the 3 year phase in of any pre-existing conditions Sharing imposes to keep our costs so low. Then we’ll add my HSA option for those understanding the importance of saving for longer term health costs (or just wanting to build a bigger nest egg). Businesses with less than 50 workers don’t need an ICHRA, to add Sharing - they can just “Listbill” directly with me to get the HSA-Sharing combo immediately.
Chronic Disease Epidemic Needs Natural Experimentation
Sharing also “integrates” care, that is, makes it more natural, not just dependent on the chemical concoctions of pHARMa. That’s because cash patients learn about alternative treatments in the effort to save Out of Pocket money, and get healthy. This latter hunt to get healthy has become a huge problem, as the half of Americans suffering chronic disease find no healing from pHARMa’s pills. Using savings to get healthy will boost American productivity - even making soldier recruitement more viable and thus helping national security.
CEO Relief from Risk
Pleasing workers with benefits that access more doctors and build personal wealthy will please CEOs, who want both to attract AND retain good employees. ICHRA also relieves CEO of the risk of group benefits, and with the Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA) threatening Labor Department prosecution for fiduciary violations, replacing the self-funding now the rage with Rosetta-type brokers makes the smart risk reduction move. Shareholders will be pleased with risk reduction, too.
Join the Discussion or Contact me!
Register for FreedomHub’s Wednesday health show, here.
If you like what you learn on the show, click my Share link, then “groups” at the top and fill out the “census” - which will come to me so I can schedule a call to hear your benefit goals. One also can scan the QR code, here:
Individuals who want the Sharing for themselves or their families can click “questionnaire” at the top and fill that out - your answers will be sent to me to schedule a conversation to discuss your health preferences.