“God has a divine purpose for you”
But some Senators want RFK to worship pHARMa, not save our children
The avaricious Cartel of pharmaceutical manufacturers, insurers, BioTech ventures, Big Agra & Chemical polluters failed this week to stop Trump from empowering RFK as the new HHS Secretary. Kennedy still may lose the vote in the two committees that questioned him, or on the floor next week or so. Will you call your Senators to prevent that from happening?
My lobbying client, National Health Federation, is pressing Congress (and State politicians) to cease allowing crony corporate capture of their regulators that allows for the environmental pollution of the air, water, land, food and medicine - that synergistically causes chronic disease, the real epidemic. We need our friends then, today and all week, to…
Call the Capitol Hill Operator, at 202-225-3121, ask for your two senators, and tell them “to approve RFK’s HHS nomination”.
(If you need help on learning who your politicians are, click here).
Do Democrats Care about Chronic Disease?
Senator Sanders (D-VT) liked the MAHA phrase, but as several Republican supporters of RFK complained, none of the Democrats would focus on the crisis at hand, the growth of chronic disease - neurological, autoimmune, cancer & autism - from 10% in 1990 to over half the population by 2010. 250 million kids are dying.
As the EPA reported, this crisis started in the late 1980s and science is needed to study possible culprits, including:
PFOAs (plastic ubiquity)
Pesticides, GMOs, and processed food
Wireless inundation
Water fluoride & Atmospheric geoengineering
Over-prescribing, and
An ever-growing Vaccine schedule.
Human health and environmental health are intertwined, RFK said. Diabetes, cancer among the young, and addictions are exploding. Arguing over who pays is like rearranging the deck chairs as the Titanic sinks.
Improving govt investigations will help finger the culprit, or culprits.
No one’s researching Chronic Disease?
Yet Senator Cantwell (D-WA) couldn’t get past RFK’s statement to “give infectious disease a break for 8 years”. She wanted to protect HPV vaxx research in her state, and avoid layoffs. RFK responded , “Biden replaced last year alone 3,000 people. Chronic disease accounts for 90% of death, yet no research is done on chronic disease.
(Read that last sentence again, shocking).
Senator Marshall (R-KS) said the explosion in chronic disease stems not from bad genes or better diagnosis; it’s environmental triggers. Not having good science on causes is DELIBERATE, NOT to truly study what’s making us sick, and study mortality from infectious disease.
RFK told Senator Alsobrooks (D-MD) that HHS has 91,000 bureaucrats, and they failed to stop the real epidemic, chronic disease. He continued that Alzheimers research was set back a decade when bad science but strong politics fingered the wrong culprit. We have to fix the science.
Military Jeopardy
This actual epidemic has repercussions not only personal to families with suffering kids, but also the risk affects military readiness. In Kennedy’s opening statement in the Finance Committee, he said almost 80% of soldier-age prospects don’t qualify.
Senator Banks (R-IN) said Army recruitment last year fell short by 25%.
Bankrupting the Budget
This actual epidemic threatens America’s economy and govt budget, too. Spending zero tax dollars to fight chronic disease during the term of JFK, chronic disease accounts for 90% of health spending - over $4 trillion.
When Senator Warner (D-VA) asked which offices would absorb RFK’s promised 2,000 firings (the same # that Biden exchanged in 2016), would RFK pledge to exclude from firings food safety workers (to protect against, e.g., salmonella)? RFK answered: HHS has over 90,000 employees - we can retain key services with more efficiency in staffing. Will you exclude from firings those who protect health files from cyberattack? RFK committed to not firing anyone “doing their job”. “Anyone opposing RFK’s vaccine views is in trouble,” snarked Warner.
HELP Chair Cassidy (R-LA) asked how to reform Medicaid. RFK answered that Medicaid reform is needed due to its unpopularity. Their services have decreased, but costs had risen 60%. RFK likes value-based reforms, telemedicine, AI, and Direct Primary Care. Pilot programs are needed in states, something Senator Whitehouse (D-RI) showed in vivid detail was needed, based on unreasonable demands on retirees facing end of life care. Cooperatives (such as Sharing?), HSAs are needed, too - the latter especially to make patients more accountable.
(One of the leaders on HSA expansion is Rep. Roy (R-TX), at whose office I stopped by during the RFK hearing day. Mr. Roy signed also NHF’s congressional letter against FDA approval of the CV shot for toddlers, and tweeted an openness to hearing RFK’s explanation how the wireless mesh mush share partial blame for the chronic disease epidemic.)
Families also don’t like ACA plans - they like instead Medicare & private insurance. Is Medicaid making folks healthy for $900 billion per year? When asked by Senator Warnock (D-GA) whether RFK would extend ACA tax credits, RFK said that’s not a yes or no answer.
Senator Welch (D-VT) mentioned exploding prices in ObamaCare, but pushed back on the alleged popularity of Medicare Advantage. He shared a Wall Street Journal article claiming that insurance-led part of Medicare had incented doctors to file for fake diagnoses in order to profit in the billions (and when a patient got real sick they were dumped). RFK answered he agrees that fraud needs prosecution - he even won a huge case against an insurer in WV.
Do not show flaws in vaccine science!
All Democrats (& a couple RINOs) wanted to do in this week’s hearings was screech at Kennedy how his demand for better science on vaccines would lower uptake and thus increase disease incidence. Insanely, Senator Whitehouse (D-RI) demanded his former lawschool roommate support vaccine MANDATES! (As if the excess injuries from the Covid vaxx never happened).
Senator Sanders (D-VT) slammed the sales of onesies - “unvaxxed unafraid”, and “no vax no problem”, at RFK’s nonprofit, CHD. RFK resigned from that org months ago to run for prez. RFK said he sued against mercury to protect the fish, but no one called him “anti-fish”. His efforts for better safety science for vaccines do not make him anti-vaccine.
Thank goodness for Senator Paul (R-KY), who said vaccines cannot be one-size-fits-all. CV affects different age cohorts differently. That is why trust is gone. We don’t know what causes autism, so can’t we allow the scientific method to tell us?
Senator Mullin (R-OK) wondered why we can’t question science, too. With 72 shots now and an explosion in autism, why aren’t we looking for answers? With 1 in 36 boys suffering autism, isn’t that a PANDEMIC? RFK responded with the story of a rogue scientist who suffered for opposing approval of Thalidomide, which in Europe was devastating births. That’s the kind of committed science we need today.
Senator Hassan (D-NH) mentioned the 12-person study fingering vaxx for her Cerebral Palsy kid, but it was debunked and the science was settled. Without RFK agreeing to that fact it’s “impossible to move forward”. What if the pHARMa senator learned that study never was debunked, and indeed was replicated 500 times? Anyone confident on vaccine science should not fear improvements in the scientific process.
RINO Senator Murkowski (AK) also didn’t “want to go back on whooping cough and measles”, and asked how we can raise confidence. How about better science?
“Gold Standard” Research How?
RFK will insist on “gold standard” research, which he described to Senator Young (R-IN) would include:
replication, which rarely happens via NIH;
transparency, that is, publication of raw data via studies; and,
publishing of peer reviews.
For an example that bolsters this list, after amyloid plaque was posited as a cause theory of alzheimers 2 decades ago, NIH shut down studies of other cause theories - but that theory is now debunked.
We Need to “end the Old Boy” research system, RFK’s phrase that should garner support from the women senators (but as Upton Sinclair wrote, special interest donations have a powerful effect of making decision-makers ignore the truth):
Regaining Lost Trust
How will you regain the public’s trust, Senator Young asked, shattered by Covid? Kennedy said 90% took the original CV vaxx, thanks to Trump’s Warp Speed, but CDC’s current booster recommendation - the 8th - has only 23% compliance. 77% of Americans no longer trust CDC.
Instead of recommending masks with certainty after discounting their effectiveness, we should have humility, Young continued. RFK answer yes, we need transparency, and tell the people what we “don’t know”.
(Indeed, fixing vaccine science makes one of the two important parts of NHF’s NICE act, soon to be reintroduced by Rep. Mary Miller (R-IL) - at whose office I met with her staffer, Worth Loving. The other part would require a Natl Informed Consent Exemption (NICE) for any federally-mandated shot.)
Spiritual Challenge for America
Kennedy called MAHA even a spiritual campaign, one challenging America’s “moral authority”. Senator Marshall (R-KS) said, emotionally, that “God has a plan for you”. Senator Ron Johnson (R-WI) said his nomination “…is an answer to my prayers.'“
Wouldn’t Less Shots ALSO lessen Chronic Disease?
But would more diseases make a worst outcome than chronic disease - which several studies have reproduced is aggravated over 1,000% by the vaccinated as compared to the unvaxxed? That’s the purpose of Rep. Miller’s (R-IL) pending NICE act, for the Surgeon General to report to an independent vaccine safety commission the Disease Outcomes of the unvaccinated as compared to the vaccinated. The suppression of these comparisons by the media and the medical system has done nothing but aggravate mistrust of so-called “authorities”. Why are Democrats - and some RINOs - afraid of honest science?
For those too chronically ill to take a vaccine, as Senator Collins (R-ME) asked, wouldn’t discouragement of vaccines lower herd immunity, thus exposing the former cohort to disease? RFK won’t discourage vaccination; he just wants better science - which should restore trust that was shattered by CV vaxx corruption.
Vaxx Victims Chopped Liver?
Further, are the victims of disease more of a concern than the victims of vaccine injury? Senator Ron Johnson (R-WI) said his office had sent 70 letters to agencies - including requests for Fauci’s emails. One of the govt’s responses admitted talking points against admitting the myocarditis signal in young men. He asked if RFK would “make HHS transparent”? If trust wanted, RFK responded, we need transparency. Johnson continued, “Can’t we set aside differences to save our kids”. RFK added, “67% of kids now saddled with chronic disease”.
Informed Consent implies giving mothers the info on vaxx injuries, which ICAN’s Del Bigtree explained on video must be listed by manufacturers on the vaccine insert. In that video Mr. Bigtree - the former host of ABC’s popular The Doctor’s Show - responds to Senate Health Chair Cassidy’s (R-LA) claim that Hepatitis B has no risks and certainly doesn’t cause autism. Senator Lujan (D-NM) submitted an article from Autism Speaks that it’s not caused by vaccines. But Bigtree’s linked video above shows that CDC conceded no science exists to allow the chairman’s claim. Further Autism Speaks is a pHARMa front to discount legitimate autism groups like Autism Health. Autism has risen from 1/10,000 to 1/34 today among kids. Getting actual science on chronic diseases like autism makes RFK’s priority.
Until government produces science that isn’t tainted by industry influence, CHD will make a lot of money from moms wanting these onesies that upset Mr. Sanders, humiliated by RFK who exposed him as pHARMa’s “largest recipient”.
Refusing RFK at HHS won’t stop the demise of vaccines, since trust in authorities won’t change until improvements in science are made as suggested by RFK.
Why is pHARMa afraid of Liability?
Senator Warren (D-MA) asked if in addition to promising not to accept employment by companies he’ll regulate, he’ll also decline jury awards in any future litigation with these same companies. After all, she continued, RFK could influence future litigation by putting on panels friends to do his dirty work (as if panels aren’t now doing dirty work of pHARMa, rubber stamping licensure and schedule recommendations)? RFK won’t give up an American’s constitutional right to sue - and damages are part of lawsuits. RFK supports the vaxx schedule and only wants good science. I would add that Congress, though, must restore liability for vaccine harms, by passing the bill intro’d by Rep. Gosar (R-AZ).
Youth are Over-Medicated
Senator Blackburn (R-TN) was concerned over our over-medicated youth. Wold RFK support counseling alternatives to drugs? 15% kids are addicted to Aderall, with a higher percentage on SSRIs or Benzos. 1/2 of all drugs are sold in the US, despite having only 4% of Earth’s population. Drugs, now, make the 3rd largest cause of death, after cancer & heart disease.
Saving healthcare in Rural Areas
Senator Barasso (R-WY) asked if RFK will help with rural access, where hospitals face closure. Huge swaths of rural America lack maternal health (baby birthing). RFK mentioned an “Old commitment for a hospital within 30 minutes for every American”. I’d add the Cash market, competitive certification reform & CON Repeal as additional reforms that would help rural access.
Fake News
But committee Dems & some RINOs ignored RFK’s answers and doubled down on their ridiculous claims, including:
Senator Cassidy (R-LA) criticized RFK’s “unfounded and misleading past”, yet no one has sued Kennedy for libel in his books. RFK invited evidence and if convinced will change his opinion as he often has.
Samoan deaths (from the Measles vaccine, which then was banned by the govt) stemmed from RFK, claimed Senator Wyden (D-OR), when science has yet to determine the cause of that island’s deaths which also occurred on neighboring islands. Senators Murray (D-WA) and Warren (D-MA) repeated this debunked attack, with Warren adding RFK made the Dirty Dozen of Disinformation (whom Dr. Wolfe wonderfully renamed the INFORMATION DOZEN), since their tough questions have more listeners now):
RFK’s remorse for vaxxing his kids, from a Lex Friedman podcast clip that was edited. No medicine is safe and effective for every person. Senator Wyden (D-OR) knew this, answered RFK, so bringing it up is dishonest!
RFK’s lawsuit against CV shot was only against kids for whom CV represented a low risk. Senator Wyden (D-OR) excluded that fact. When Senator Sanders (D-VT) pushed this line, RFK clarified that CV child vaxx approval had no kids in their studies, so that was a fraudulent recommendation by CDC. And, no one can say CV vaxx saved lives, since the post-vaxx surveillance system generates only a percentage of actual adverse events.
Did RFK claim CV vaxx was ethnically targeted to spare Jews, angry Senator Bennet (D-CO) asked? No, he quoted an NIH study when asked if such technology existed.
RFK “peddles in half truths” about vaccines, Mr. Bennet continued. “Not that bad things can’t happen,” thus undermining his claim. LoL.
Mr. Bennet asked if RFK said that “lyme disease was highly likely a militarily engineered weapon.” RFK merely reported what the developer of lyme disease said. Senator Hickenlooper (D-CO) called it reckless to make statements without evidence, but RFK rejoined it also was reckless not to acknowledge a dispute when one exists over the facts. I’ll add that Congressman Smith (R-NJ) called for a study on chronic lyme disease that many discounted. Further, the congressman supported an investigation into DoD weaponization of Ticks. That said, RFK said he had lyme disease and would support a vaxx for it.
Mr. Bennet continued, asking if RFK ever said, “…pesticide exposure causes transgender?”. No, RFK answered. But he did allude to a well-known study on Jordan Peterson and Joe Rogan’s shows, about Atrazine and frogs. It’s one thing to make a claim versus merely sharing info about studies. The latter shows a signal, not a conclusion, and usually leads to the real conclusion: more studies are needed. And that’s what RFK will do.
Bennet asked if RFK said African AIDS was experienced differently from American AIDS. The diagnostics and symptoms are different, the nominee responded.
Senator Alsobrooks (D-DC) asked about a podcast with Judy Mikovits on black ethnic susceptibility to disease, based on “superior immunity”. RFK explained that again was merely sharing of a study, suggesting shots for blacks might need fewer antigens to work. This senator was too triggered to contemplate that better science might lead to a better outcome for her People.
Senator Hassan (D-NH) claimed RFK said the Polio Vaccine killed many more than Polio did, via cancer - something debunked by studies. What studies? There is no valid science on vaccines - something RFK will fix. He also told Senator Collins (R-ME) that the polio vaccine was okay.
A republican, Senator Tillis (R-NC), got into the Fake News game, by asking if RFK were a “conspiracy theorist”. RFK said that perjorative is weaponized to stop tough questions of those in power. “I was called that when I doubted CV vaxx would stop transmission; I knew b/c of the monkey studies in May 2020 - soon everyone agreed; I was called that when I said Red Dye causes cancer - now FDA has banned it; same when I said fluoride lowered IQ; JAMA just published a meta-review agreeing.”
Senator Warnock (D-GA) accused RFK of comparing CDC workers to NAZI death camps & Catholic pedophiles, and that many belong in jail. RFK clarified he was comparing death rates (1 in 31 boys) to Nazi-caused casualties, and Catholic protection of the institution over the needs of child victims. Which is what Congress said in a 2003 report about the CDC vax safety division, prioritizing reputation of institution and interests of pHARMa over welfare of American kids - and found 90% of ACIP panelists had conflicts, that is, financial ties to companies submitting the vaccines for profitable mandates.
Senator Tina Smith (D-MN) accused RFK of linking mass shootings to anti-depressants? RFK didn’t say that - since it hasn’t been studied. Ms. Smith said it’s been debunked - which isn’t possible, RFK responded, b/c of HIPAA. She accused RFK of saying mental prescription users are addicts who should be sent to a wellness farm. “Not kicking and screaming”, RFK clarified. Even suggesting a mass shooting tie stigmatizes mental drugs, the senator worried. Shouldn’t doctors have good science, RFK returned? Yes, said Tina. THEN WE AGREE! And by the way, RFK’s statement on dearth of studies named other possible culprits - including video games & social media.
Ms. Smith then accused RFK of questioning the existence of viruses. RFK denied that. I’ll add that this topic can’t be dismissed, without study. CV never was isolated, and for chronic disease to reverse experts are going to have to stop lying that terrain theory isn’t more important than viral theory.
Senator Murray (D-WA) accused RFK of decrying the danger of the HPV vaxx. RFK said he’s in litigation over that now, and that the jury will decide. He will support the Childhood Schedule, as long as its backed by science.
One of my senators, Kaine (D-VA), blamed an RFK conspiracy tweet around the 9/11 deception for sowing distrust. RFK said his uncle told him “leaders lie” and to be skeptical. He will listen to evidence.
Long Covid
Covid is not mission accomplished, Young challenged (as Biden proclaimed); Long Covid affects millions and research needs continued support. No mention of the role of CV jabs in excess death and injury that hasn’t subsided since WarpSpeed. That’s why CDC reports more parents than ever are electing exemptions from the shots.
And given the co-morbities of the Covid killed, shouldn’t we support RFK’s anti-chronic disease effort if it will reduce casualties in future pandemics?
Getting Healthy Food Buy-in
1 out of 3 kids is diabetic, yet as Senator Tillis (R-NC) said, students are throwing their SNAP lunches (60% of which is processed) into the trash, filling up then on snacks and sugary drinks.
Senator Tuberville mentioned 10,000 ingredients in processed food, which RFK blamed on the FDA’s “grass standard”, where ingredients are deemed innocent until proven guilty. We are mass poisoning our country.
Cajoling Farmers to Take Ownership
But some farm-state senators asked RFK not to go too strong on agriculture. Kennedy promised not to let one farm go bankrupt, and to offer not a stick but rather incentives to wean farmers off of their biome-ruining pesticide chemicals and frankenseeds. Wonderfully, the nominee said industry itself is open to change, to MAHA. Senator Grassley (R-IA) didn’t want RFK working outside his lane, but RFK promised to cooperate with new Ag Secretary Brooke Rollins to include farming in the MAHA cause.
Fixing food supply, Senator Marshall (R-KS) said, is #1. RFK said Sen Hawley (R-ME) told him his relatives have Parkinson’s - disease spreading across farm country. American farms can’t export to Europe; the microbiome is destroyed by chemicals - only 60 harvests remain before the soil is gone. Seeds are wrong too. We need farmers as partners, but he doesn’t want to regulate farmers out of a livelihood. We need to partner on transitioning to regenerative, no-till, less chemical intensive farming. And get this - herbicide companies have told RFK they even agree!
The Ridiculous Food Pyramid
Nicely, Grassley did want his committee to receive conflict of interest reports on any advisor to updates to the Dietary recommendations out of HHS, so at least the senator is okay on that issue.
Reluctance to confront Wireless radiation
Only Senator Kim (D-NJ) asked RFK about the danger of of wifi and 5G. RFK said he won in DC’s circuit, remanding FCC for capriciously claiming adequacy of its exposure limits while ignoring the science. He expanded that electromagnetic frequency damages DNA, causes cancer and ignites neurological symptoms. Senator Marshall will have to confront this problem, as the promo for his new MAHA caucus promote healthy living and farming, while also praising Precision Ag - which relies on wireless:
States Cautious on Abortion
The “moral” question leads to abortion, where RFK considers abortion immoral, but understands limits will happen not under HHS but rather the states. His lawschool roommate, Senator Whitehouse (D-RI) made a compelling case against late-term bans, as OB-GYNs tell him the only such abortions happen to save the life of the mother. Even most conservatives are okay with exceptions to preserve mothers.
Democrats aren’t so sanguine, though, on the morning-after pill. Republicans want to required once again a prescription to receive it, and have those doctors report adverse events. With informed consent and better science making up MAHA priorities, the latter change at least seems worth supporting - women need bad news, not just good news, on prescription recommendations.
Senator Lankford (R-OK) asked about conscious rights of religious doctors not to perform offensive procedures like abortions, to which RFK wondered why a patient would want a surgeon who finds working on them offensive?
Senator Cantwell (D-WA) asked if RFK would protect Stem cell research? Yes, RFK answers, but aborted fetal tissue is unneeded since it’s duplicative to umbilical cord tissue.
Lost, sexually trafficked Refugees
Senator Grassley (R-IA) said refugee sponsor placement contractees were instructed to ignore Grassley inquiry on whether they’re being abused or trafficked - Trump wants RFK to trackdown their 100s of thousands of abused kids.
Call the Capitol Hill Operator, at 202-225-3121, ask for your two senators, and tell them “to approve RFK’s HHS nomination”.
Sign up for NHF’s eList, for invitations to the monthly zoom to discuss MAHA campaigns, and how you can help.
Send the “social distance” nonsense into the past for good, by marking the calendar to joining over the March 15th weekend the world’s oldest health freedom org for its 70th anniversary conf in Dallas, headlined by
Frontline hero Peter McCullough,
disparaged (yet heroic), Fauci-nemesis, scientist Judy Mikovits and
Tom Renz, JD, whistleblower for soldier vaxxed injuries and secretive mRNA vaxxing of our livestock.
Lots of exhibitors and leaders who want to meet you!