Below are points of friction that may arise in hearings this week for Robert F. Kennedy’s nomination for Secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS).
To Make America Healthy Again (MAHA), we need all to send the email of my lobbying client, National Health Federation (NHF), pushing Congress and the states to end the crony capture of their regulators that causes the pollution of the air, water, land, food and medicine behind the REAL epidemic, chronic disease.
After emailing your politicians, RSVP to attend the noon ET Wed zoom of my Freedom Hub, when friends in the Patient First Coalition will broadcast LIVE from RFK’s hearing. (Sign up here to become an “ambassador” to this coalition whose mandate will entail grassroots development to pass Trump’s MAHA goals.)
Guesting on Freedom Hub this week will be Scott Tips, my NHF prez who’s reknowned in Health Freedom circles for serving as the lone, natural negotiator at the UN’s food trade standards-negotiating bureaucracy. Here’s my update on NHF accomplishments and goals.
In addition to commenting on RFK’s nomination hearing, Mr. Tips will announce our 70th anniversary Health Freedom conference the weekend of March 16th in Dallas, with special guests Judy Mikovits, Peter McCullough and breakouts on the topics of this article. Check out our conference agenda, mark the calendar, register and share with Health Freedom friends.
As far as RFK nomination friction, the most painful for Congress will be, obviously, MAHA changes threatening profits of their donors - namely, pHARMa, Telecom, Tech, Big Health, Big Agra, as well as their Wall Street & globalist puppetmasters and Deep State enablers.
The 10am hearings start Wed in Senate Finance and continue the following day in the Health Committee. Click each committee and urge friends in their states to call 202-225-3121 (the operator) to be connected to their Members to “urge a yes vote on RFK”. Click here Wed at 10am ET to watch LIVE, and here Thursday.
Now going through the MAHA issues:
On most folks’ minds regarding vaccines:
Trump, once sworn in as President, rescinded Biden’s cruel mandate for foreign visitors to Covid vaxx in order to visit America. My lobbying client Natl Health Federation was featured in Daily Caller for its 2022 congressional letter for Biden to do the same - back then in order to allow Novak Djokovic to compete in the US Open tennis grand slam.
Trump rescinded another of Biden’s Orwellian orders - to fire federal bureaucrats (including contractors and soldiers) who refused to participate in the dangerous Covid vaccine experiment. Biden graciously ended his own smaller vaxx mandate for nurses and other health professionals working in facilities receiving Medicare funds, but it took the Supreme Court to slap down his OSHA vaxx mandate on half the nation’s workforce.
With CDC reporting more parents than ever electing exemptions to all the other, childhood shots, Covid’s science-free tyranny ruined trust in Health Authorities. With several studies repeating more chronic disease among the vaccinated as compared to the unvaccinated, RFK must pass Rep. Miller ‘s (R-IL) pending bill to require Surgeon General reporting on such comparisons to an INDEPENDENT Vaccine Safety Commission, to ensure Informed Consent includes useful information on the benefits AND the risks. With pHARMa supporting attacks still on vaccine exemptions, these mammoth corporations must accept liability once again for harms from the vaccines they mandate - send NHF’s email to pass Mr. Gosar’s (R-AZ) bill to do so.
Ms. Miller’s bill also would establish a National Informed Consent Exemption (NICE), for any federally-mandated vaccine. Such a federal protection is important for residents in states without a right to education for any unvaxxed kids - like in California, NY, Connecticut and Maine. West Virginia and Mississippi just restored their religious jab exemption, but Massachusetts has a bill to cruelly repeal theirs. With studies showing vaccines’ correlation to chronic disease, it doesn’t suprise self-thinking parents that more are choosing a healthier, natural upbringing. Send NHF’s bill to pass the NICE act!
The “establishment” is upset at Trump’s order for HHS bureaucrats not to make public declarations until new leadership is inserted into the agencies. They claim such limits will hurt alerts for any epidemic info that needs to reach the public. (Well, the Senate probably shouldn’t delay approving RFK’s nomination then, to end the freeze). In articles about this information stoppage, they complain a future RFK secretariat would repeat Trump’s deletion of certain data sets from NIH’s database (some deletions were justified, such as those aggravating climate alarmist nonsense). The grassroots, on the other hand, has been gobsmacked for years at government suppression of data of vaccine excess injury and death.
On Trump’s departure from Globalist WHO Preemption:
Its One Health intiative targeting animal outbreaks spilling over into human infection, that it labels “primary prevention”, is being used to endanger our food supply with insane, mass chicken culling schemes; and
Its Pandemic Treaty proposal (#12) seeking vaccine sharing worldside, to avoid a lack of such sharing that led, in WHO’s opinion, to millions of excess deaths, ignores what really has been causing for years excess deaths - and that is the Covid vaccine itself! Indeed, getting HHS subagencies to even study or release excess vaccine death numbers will make a goal of RFK’s reign.
But leaving the WHO is insufficient for sovereignty. That’s because other UN subagencies and rules, including the Int’l Health Regulations (IHR) - and the UN itself - can use non-health reasons (such as climate nonsense) to preempt national authority including in America. Also, there exists more, confusing intersections of other intl agencies that Trump has actually the power to leave - and he should do so! Takes just a minute to send NHF’s email to leave all global bureaucracies, not just the WHO.
Clean Food
This is an area Trump isn’t impressing Health Freedom advocates. As I substacked previously, his EPA nominee Zeldin voted against local organic requirements and his Agriculture nominee just promised to force states to allow sales of pigs crammed into life-long, torture crates. During the plandemic heroic attorney Tom Renz exposed secretive Covid Vaxxing of hogs, after which Missouri heroically considered a bill banning or requiring labeling of same. Republicans in the failed FARM bill that WILL return tried to:
block (section 10205) local organic requirements,
preempt (sect. 10402) pesticide lawsuits, and
further muzzle (sect. 10201) disclosure or limits on genetic modified organisms. (On GMOs, will Trump allow Mexico to continue sourcing GMO-free corn, for smart consumers?)
The FARM bill threatens MAHA, and the grassroots needs Trump to change his position on Clean Food. Democrats are stronger in this area, and some senators will support RFK for clean food, as well as clean air and water, as NY Senator Gillibrand said. Send please NHF’s email to your politicians, to Stop Farm Poisoning!
Ignoring Wireless Victims
The above FARM bill also would subsidize (sect. 6502 of Senate version) wireless technology blamed by a court for causing a twenty percent culling of a farmer’s cows and similar depletion of milk yield. Another farmer’s calves went blind from nearby wireless infrastructure. Trump needs to care about the Broadband issue, if MAHA wants to win.
His party just passed into law antennas throughout our national parks and an unlimited number of additional antennas on already-existing cell towers, regardless of property owner informed consent, that is, preference for a connection that is fast, secure, reliable, affordable and safe - that is, WIRED.
Wireless radiation dangers have been settled for decades, ever since the EPA found the harm to be biological - before having long term exposure studies defunded the same year Telecom bribed Congress to pass the 1996 Telecom law for which court interpretations removed the right of property owners to file lawsuits against encroaching towers or smart meters for health threats. 30% of Americans already are harmed by wireless radiation, so watch for this threat to MAHA explode as Telecom thinks Republicans will pass whatever they want - safety be damned.
It should be noted that GOP failures on broadband led me to criticize the new Congressional MAHA caucus, for touting natural farming while schizoprenically promoting livestock- and biome- damaging “precision ag” (that is, wireless). Send please NHF’s email for broadband that is safe.
Clean Air
Speaking of Senator Gillibrand’s support above for RFK based on “clean food, water and air”, Clean Air makes a MAHA topic where no party is helpful. In Trump’s first term he downgraded EPA limits on jet exhaust, and Biden’s Weather Modification program funded multiple agencies - under control of a UN organ called the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) - to pollute the atmosphere with metals and toxins in order to stem climate change (whatever that is). Bringing the geoeningeering controversy into the mainstream, bills have advanced in over half a dozen states to regulate atmospheric spraying. Send please NHF’s email to stop aviation-induced cloudiness - to stop their spraying us like bugs!
Clean Water
After Biden’s CDC threatened to contaminate even more local water systems with fluoride, it was defeated in court for lowering IQ. Biden did, however, have the EPA begin looking at plastic contamination, so both parties should get busy on PFAS.
Health payment reform
The well-intended rule against surprise billing has bogged down over how best to arbitrate disputes with doctors. I complained previously how the national outcry over excessive insurer claim denials ignored a simple, private sector solution: abandoning ObamaCare for Sharing (as some bank customers migrate to credit unions). Sharing doesn’t suffer the reputation of claims denials, and as an enabler of price-sensitive shopping will do more to rid the market of balance billing than any political act from Trump or RFK.
Trump rescinded a Biden Medicare prescription drug rule that was capping Out of Pocket drug costs for seniors and enabling novel payment methods for same. To offset this imposition on seniors, hopefully Trump will resume his promotion from his previous term of Medicare’s option that includes a Medical Savings Account - to fund senior purchase of drugs and other OOP services (like dental, natural, therapies, procedures, etc). Meanwhile, some digging by a local land use advocate found Biden’s order above really would have coerced behavior of govt assistance recipients - enabling the UN Healthy People 2030 scheme (including climate as a health emergency) and One Health Initiatives into Medicaid & Medicare, and most importantly welfare benefits. What Trump just put a stop to, then, was total control through medical and food stamp surveillance!!!
Trump will have to get into the weeds on “cost-sharing” for ObamaCare Out of Pocket costs, particularly for sick patients on maintenance meds. If Republicans do a good job promoting ObamaCare alternatives like HealthShares (like leaving a bank for a credit union), only families too sick for Sharing companies’ pre-existing condition phase in will rely on exchange plans - which then could focus on the chronicially ill (maybe even including restoration of the pre-ObamaCare market where uninsurable coverage became a priority in state welfare plans, via risk pools).
Trump rescinded Biden expansion of periods in which families could enroll in ObamaCare. What Trump could do to offset this loss for voters is to promote insurance alternatives such as Sharing (of which the version I sell was featured in Forbes magazine), by, for example, making monthly Share payments an eligible expense for Health Savings Accounts (HSA) - which Rep. Roy would expand and which makes something Trump should prioritize (along with individualized tax credits). If you have family or biz-owning friends tired of ObamaCare, have them scan the QR code below, or retype the “shortURL” link in the lower left:
This article isn’t exhaustive of Health issues for RFK’s nomination hearing. But it’s a start.
In conclusion:
Join Freedom Hub’s live discussion noon ET Wed from RFK’s nomination hearing
Become a Patients First Coalition ambassador
Register for NHF’s 70th anniversary Health Freedom conference in Dallas, over the weekend of March 16th.
Participate every 3rd Friday at noon ET for NHF’s best monthly gathering for Health Freedom
Email Congress and Trump to take MAHA seriously!
Wow! What an excellent post and summary of events!