FREEDOM HUB's most viewed, Year 2023
6 years of weekly Freedom Hub zooms, WOW - pushing the envelope on acceptable speakers and content.
(and don’t forget FreedomHub’s other weekly show, platforming disruptors of the health cartel).
Last year’s list was controversial!
This year’s most-viewed didn’t bring calm.
If you can’t wait to see this year’s most-viewed show, this image offers a clue (then scroll to the bottom for the WINNER!).
And now for the Top 10…
…in reverse order
#10 - Can the courts outlaw Vaccine Mandates? “The Greater Good” producer Manookian organized during Covid to use the courts to derail the installation of a digital control grid under the pretext of a public health crisis. Now she’s aiming to reverse the decision from a century ago that allowed pharma to coerce behavior for independent Americans discinclined to risk their lives for the herd.
#9 - Weaning Farmers off Chemical Crutches. Holistic veterinarian Winter is shocked like any self-thinking American about the news that pig farmers are injecting porkers with RNA-modifying shots. Winter educates farmer to upgrade into “regenerative” agriculture, rejecting all pharma toxins and thus improving the health of humanity.
#8 - A student SENATE to train better Citizens. Writer Racer presented previously on Freedom Hub how price competition would give patients choices they now lack knowledge how to negotiate. He sees similar confusion among voters, not knowing how to force their politicians to respect Constitutional limits on government powers, or stave off corporate capture of the bureaucracies. For training students how to use the legislative process for Good, he received a Teacher of the Year award and hopes to export the program nationally.
#7 - Don’t expect leadership without Fixing ones INNER freedom. Biz prof Brownstein wowed our audience - in Freedom Hub’s 400th episode - with maverick lessons how to overcome conditioned responses, and resist woke politics smothering higher purposes in the workplace.
#6 - No candidate wants Real Money. “Jolly Roger Dollar” author Smith railed against the loss of political courage to restore sound money, with gold-backing. Instead our faves Trump & RFK complain about the needed, higher interest rates to stem the stealth tax - inflation.
and the top 5…
#5 - Murder of Responsible Emperors Warns Politicians Against Tightening Our Belts. FEE icon Reed told the sorry fate of Commodus’ successor who died for daring to end loose money. Hardly a “conservative” today threatens to reign in debt-creating entitlements. On the other hand Cleopatra lost her Egyptian dynasty for dishonest currency. Damned if you do, damned if you don’t?
#4 - Iconic Investor Rick Rule on Books to Read to thrive despite Globlist Schemes. Rick Rule listed books like those by Mises & Hazlitt to become educated enough not to fall for political schemes and Wall Street charlatans.
#3 - Do Hospitals deserve to Die for Killing Covid Patients? Ms. Paul from the Brownstone Institute explained what any person paying attention knows - the protocol forced on hospital Covid patients killed them. Hospitals, on the other hand, won’t let states repeal what’s called “CON” protectionism, to allow construction of more humane hospitals - that offer a more caring home not just to patients, but also to the doctors who need independence in order to treat safely. An inventor with an awesome command of chemistry presented on another show how exactly Remdesvir was poisoning the kidneys of patients.
#2 - Is Idea Protectionism Depriving our Comfort? Intellectual Property atny Kinsella returned for another round against (idea) property protectionism. Despite inclusion in the Constitution, their origin has earlier precedents that an American shouldn’t honor, and today’s abuse of IP is bankrupting patients and barring entrepreneurial improvements that otherwise would improve our lives.
and the most-viewed Freedom Hub show last year…
#1 - The Earth is FLAT! What does this signify, that the topic most humans want to discuss is that which is most forbidden or ridiculed? I even bought Mr. Weis’ “Sun Moon & Zodiac Clock” app. (Another show featured a scientist raising money to dig a hole in the Arctic to prove it’s hollow).
honorable mention:
#11 - The WHO Globalists want our KIDS. Dr. Laibow found in the World Health Organization’s Agenda 2030 “Sustainability” goals plans to make children sexually active “as early as possible” and to normalize pedophilia as “a human right.”
#12 - Red Cross won’t promise Unvaxxed Blood. Confident with the preponderance of the evidence of Covid vaxx damage to the blood, Earthlings are seeking membership in organizations like Safe Blood Donation to find pure partners and bank safe blood for any needed transfusions.
Just as good…
Freedom Hub had other shows with lots of views you don’t want to miss, including:
Mr. Lin on “Libertarian” Astrology, Dr. Macklin on Spiritual Advice; and Guru Fatha’s Kundalini Yoga, post-trauma, to find ones Godspot
Health Freedom radio host icon Bell, how we can get healthy and free; for example seeing an integrated healer, or, in the case of my own presentation - upgrading to cash patient status and helping the health freedom advocacy grassroots
While humanity is distracted by germs, Telecom is carpeting our neighborhoods, schools & parks with the 5G Wireless Mesh - which is dangerous & ignored by the FDA
Ms. Hall’s county “supremacies”, engaging local sheriffs for protection against tyrannical coercion (such as the family wrecking awaiting independent-thinking families); (was it even a mistake to replace the Confederation with the Constitution?)
James Bond was a thug, and secretive govt is a menace
the principled, libertarian alternatives for Prez (WrecktheRegime or Bumper); whoever wins, we miss our Founding Jeffersonian presidents; libertarians certainly have no patience for corporate wokeness; everyone should want post-Covid a new, conscious market.
If you like any of the above shows, Freedom Hub would be grateful for a “like”, “comment” or share.
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