“You don't get anything done in Washington without working in coalitions," said a lobbyist for one of the giant health interests nervous about MAHA, here.
You can join the village to enact the Trump MAHA agenda, by becoming a patient 1st ambassador - and join one of their committees (about which you’ll learn, after clicking the link to join). Subscribe also for invitations to the monthly zoom of my lobbying client, Natl Health Federation - the world’s oldest health freedom org.
If you have a budget, fly to stay with NHF in Dallas over the March 15th weekend, to learn about our bills to guarantee a right to ignore vaccine mandates - and clean up the corrupt science claiming they’re “safe and effective”. We’ll discuss also our bill to restore local govt power to set back wireless antennas from being too close to our neighborhoods and schools - and thereby agitating our DNA and aggravating chronic disease, the real epidemic.
Featured speakers include frontline cardiologist Peter McCullough, whistleblowing attorney Tom Renz, Fauci nemesis Judy Mikovitz, HSA Father John Goodman, fired, unvaxxed nurse Bridges, and GreenMedInfo founder Sayer Ji.
I’ll run at least one panel in Dallas with Mr. Renz and another speaker, family farm advocate Judith McGeary, to question how farmers can upgrade their behavior to stop toxifying our Food with pesticides, GMOs, secretive vaccination and dangerous, wireless agriculture.
Wireless radiation harm makes a Health Freedom issue about which politicians and advocates struggle to appreciate. We had hoped RFK would pass his nomination to run Health and Human Services, but even better his Trump-ordered Chronic Disease Commission will include investigation of “electromagnetic radiation” (EMR).
It’s wonderful that EMR made it into the Executive Order, because it was excluded in the announcement of the congressional MAHA CAucus. Indeed, notice the conflict inherent in the bullet point about “regenerative agriculture”:
Look at the above “regenerative” section. It seeks support of “precision” ag which is code for “wireless” - a threat to the soil biome and “food” that was culled 20% in a court case that blamed milk yield suppression on a nearby cell tower.
Wireless farming will come to a head in 2025 via the FARM bill, which died in the just-ended Congress. New FCC Chair Brendan Carr will have to be rolled, as will Commerce Chair Cruz and other RINOs and Democrats who fail to see the obvious parallel between Telecom and pHARMa: zero informed consent, smothering of the science and absolute capture of the bureaucracy by their regulated industries.
Informed Consent. Unexempted kids can’t attend school without risking their life with 72 shots, and many Americans have not right to opt out of digital smart utility meter - nor set back wireless antennas from their neighborhoods, schools or local parks.
Science Smothering. CDC admitted via RFK FOIA to have never run a safety study on any of the above mandated shots, and FCC was remanded in DC’s circuit for “capriciously” ignoring wireless dangers when claiming its outdated, radiation exposure limits did NOT need updating.
Regulatory Capture. FDA relies on pHARMa payments for studies, while NIH won’t warn of drug risks for fear of losing pHARMa royalty payments for life. FCC ignores “gap in service” requirements Telecom must prove when seeking local govt approval for deployment of a tower, and adverse health effects cannot be used by property owners to oppose a tower application.
Wireless in the FARM bill will ruin our food and soil, bankrupt farmers & expose our land to hacking and purchase by global adversaries. Ignoring informed consent on broadband will lose conservatives the support they gained from effective Covid defense against vaccine mandates, as I warned for Childrens Health Defense:
Yes indeed, the Health Freedom movement will need activists to help us schedule meetings with Members of Congress to defeat the FARM bil, which also will:
block (section 10205) local organic requirements,
preempt (sect. 10402) pesticide lawsuits, and
further muzzle (sect. 10201) disclosure or limits on genetic modified organisms.
And we need more states joining Missouri in demanding an end to secretive, gene-modifying vaccination of our crops and livestock:
You can help us schedule wireless congressional meetings by joining our semi-monthly Safe Technology calls.
Also, subscribe for NHF’s monthly zoom, BEFORE our next call this Friday at noon ET. By coincidence our Health Freedom topic Feb 21st will be the return of wireless bills in Congress. You’ll learn from Natl Call counsel Odette Wilkens how to stop deployment of antennas that will spy on, fry and coerce Americans - trapping all in a SMART, Orwellian digital prison.
In Sum…
RFK will investigate the real epidemic, chronic disease, and will include EMR in that investigation.
His leadership gives leverage to our lobbying to stop the wireless mesh - your help scheduling zooms with your politicians is key to our success. Join the semimonthly Natl Call to learn how to help, and subscribe to NHF’s monthly zoom to learn about ALL health freedom issues (including EMR).
Become an ambassador at the new Patients 1st Coalition, to help pass Trump’s MAHA agenda.
Consider STRONGLY to attend, exhibit or sponsor NHF’s 70th anniversary Dallas conf over the March 15th weekend.
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