Most viewed 2024 Health Disruption shows
Over a half decade of Health Innovators at Freedom Hub
When health insurance and Be-Your-Own-Bank agent Jeff Kanter started selling Sharing, he realized its reliance on effective patient shopping for well-priced services had to become known by conservatives as a critical piece of health reform. Insurers, he knew, never would abandon the gravy train they had acquired via their deal with Obama to turn insurance into a cartel in collusion with hospitals & pHARMa.
Exhibiting at the Libertarian Convention around the presidential campaign of former Governors Gary Johnson and Bill Weld - a campaign for which I had an indirect role with the connected nonprofit - he brought me into his agency and cofounded with me the weekly Freedom Hub zoom to market Sharing and all the adjacent reforms - as well as the integrated supply innovations like that of Jim Grapek, Freedom Hub’s new cohost - that come with it. And given the repeat attendees we get, the public has responded with favor for our efforts.
We have two shows weekly, actually, a health one on Wednesdays and a show on controversies every Thursday. The subscription list for both exceed a thousand people - 2,000 for the latter. Are you subscribed?
For the past year, here were our 15 most popular episodes (here’s 2023’s most viewed):
#15: Can Resolving Emotional Traumas Cure Chronic Disease? Dr. Lamasa-Dawson, Director of Recall Healing USA, guides people in exploring the potential origins of their health challenges and in fostering skills to help them access inner wisdom, for self-care and transformative growth. Ones life experiences – even ancestral traumas – can affect your health and relationships.
#14: ALL Disease Mitigated by Vitamin C. Cardiologist and lawyer Levy found enormous toxicity with modern dentistry, as well as pronounced neutralization of this toxicity by properly-administered vitamin C - which also resolves most infections, AND treats heart disease and cancer. ALL diseases make different forms of focal scurvy, arising from increased oxidative stress, especially intracellularly, and that they all benefit from bio-oxidative therapy protocols that optimize the antioxidant levels in the body while eliminating pathogens.
#13: Neuro Matters – From Pain To Performance. Former Orthopedic Rehabilitation Specialist now working with applied neurology, Brandon Day comes from the clinical world of low back pain and now applies a neuro drill to overcome pain & emotional trauma, to then achieve a flow state.
#12: Direct-pay Access for Complete Health Care? Six years ago, Dr. Arshad set on a course to bring financial transparency to the patient-provider relationship by developing a platform to connect patients directly to providers. He recognized everyone actually already WAS a “cash-pay” patient because even with insurance, due to copays, deductibles, and coinsurances, everyone is still paying hefty, out-of-pocket expenses for their health care. Though attempts have been made by government to bring transparency to the true cost of care, health systems have resisted any change – often by dumping data to meet compliance but not in a way with which consumers could benefit. Dr. Arshad will share how WoW Health is bridging the gap of access to care and making it affordable for everyone. Be sure to click Freedom Hub’s WoW promotion.
#11: Building Biologists Protect us from the Wireless Prison - Chronic Disease is really Electric Illness. Most have no idea the Wireless Mesh is depressing them and shortening lives, health, and happiness. Building Biology is a holistic approach to housing, which seeks to mitigate EMF damage and construct or modify homes in a way that is harmonious with nature, as presented by Roman Shapoval from “The Power Couple”.
#10: Internet Convenience Shouldn’t Injure Others. So why isn’t fiber being used to bridge the so-called Broadband Digital Divide? Because fiber doesn’t promise as much Telecom profit as wireless. With their installed mesh of sensors, companies can track our every move and sell the data to advertisers… or to governments, to root out threatening independent behavior. Such information promises riches for Wall Street, power for government, and disease and pain for humans. Author of “Wi-Fi Refugee: Plight of the Modern Day Canary”, Ms. Rowan warns that more of us are electro-sensitive than we suspect, and that the coming Digital Gulag is part of a larger Great Reset.
#9: The Worst Toxin is Atmospheric Spraying. With seven states considering legislation to ban chemtrails, otherwise known as geoengineering or solar radiation management, Americans are wondering if the chronic diseases affecting them stem from the pollution of our water, land, food, and medicine or also from what is being sprayed into our atmosphere. Resigning from a city council position for limits on Reinette Senum’s ability to tell the truth about the Plandemic, she founded Save our Skies to confront aviation-induced cloudiness and sky pollution of all sorts because they may represent a graver threat than all other environmental toxins.
#8: Reich's Orgone Protocol for Disease - including from Geoengineering. We need doctors to learn from heroes like Ms. McQuinn, to not only acknowledge the harm being done from geoengineering and other sources of global pollution, but to learn how to detox people and cure them. With the Heilkunst protocols, developed by Samuel Hahnemann, Rudophy Steiner, and Wilhelm Reich – and with the work of Dr. Ryke Hamer (German New Medicine) later added – the future of health is suddenly looking much brighter.
#7: That Shot Did Alter Your DNA! We need a Grand Jury & you need the best health Recovery. With the Covid vaccine continuing to exacerbate all-cause mortality, it’s getting harder to deny that the injection is part of a nefarious, depopulation scheme. Early on in the Plandemic, Dr. H - as friends call him - formed a Grand Jury to investigate the corruption. He knew Congress couldn’t be trusted to honestly review the crimes against humanity, or properly redress grievances from the swath of those injured or killed. Beyond defending humanity from evil globalists and their biotech grifters, Dr. H offers the most cutting-edge Holistic Nutrition, Cellular Cleansing, Fasting, and Health Recovery Certifications at the Energetic Health Institute.
#6: Better Doctoring Needs Better Laws. One of the best things about the awakened Frontline Doctors is how some of them not only defended Ivermectin in the face of vaccine mandates, but they also realized that allopathic medicine itself was corrupted. For years, NHFA has advocated for and helped pass laws protecting unlicensed natural healers with Safe Harbor laws. Now, Mr. O’Connor seeks to help pass protections for licensed medical professionals who want to use natural and alternative medicine.
#5: Hospitals Oblivious to how their Wireless Systems Harm Patients. In 2020 New Hampshire warned against wireless hospitals, and a study in 2023 showed hospital wireless Radio Frequency was harming newborns. Ignoring the evidence, the renowned Cleveland Clinic put 5G devices in every doctor’s pocket and machine in a patient’s room – guaranteeing high levels of exposure which have already made a third of Americans sensitive to or injured from such radiation. At the ElectroSensitive Society, Ms. Symington helps injured people find medical specialists who are familiar with electro-hyper-sensitivity (EHS), and remediation specialists who can help reduce EMF exposure and create low EMF zones – where victims can comfortably live, work and more fully enjoy life.
#4: Chiropractors: The NEW Primary Care? In Dr. DiDomenico’s"The Best Kept Secret to HEAL Your Back Pain," the research proves posture and spinal structure directly relate to the health of your nervous system, which determines your state of health… or state of disease and disability. The medical profession does NOT want the public to know these things for fear it would change healthcare around the world. Primary care should dispense with pHARMa pills, and start with bodily manipulation.
#3: Insurance Complaints Ignore Exit to Sharing. While the tragic murder of the insurance executive was overshadowed by a groundswell of compliats of denied claims, no media coverage of this tragedy has offered the solution pursued by millions since ObamaCare made coverage too expensive for the middle class: Sharing. One brokerage specializing in Sharing was included in a Forbes Magazine article for combining Sharing with the popular Health Savings Account, and offering this package not only to families but also to business owners. That owner, Rod Maxson, presented the Sharing solution for for those tired of claims denials. This package is promoted by Freedom Hub; get started because the math doesn’t lie: ObamaCare costs too much per month and per catastrophe; Sharing (for a family) costs MUCH less:
#2: A Genocide? 5G Frequency Ignites Vaxx Nanometals. Expert in biowarfare and frequency weaponry, Mark Steele - like others such as Claire Edwards and Susan Clarke - couldn’t remain silent on the 5G-vaccine synergy that was too obvious to professionals from his field. So, Mark founded Save Us Now to help reverse the 5G addiction, detox from the clot shots, and demand humane government that respects informed consent and prosecutes regulatory capture by the nefarious global fraudsters. Given the gullible normies’ continued support for pHARMa and wireless, how can we enable the post-Plandemic awakening to turn the tide?
#1: The Miracle Molecule for health is… Nitric Oxide. After surviving a botched appendix hospitalization, John Hewlett left a successful financial career to research an ultimate treatment of nitric oxide - called the “miracle molecule” in medical journals - that he found once his concoction provided the keys to three major pathways that support immune function, and all the major systems of the body. (Freedom Hub was so impressed, we sell it now at our marketplace).
Honorable mention, with views BARELY under the above list, include:
Ms. Borek’s warning of the Public Health-preempting World Health Org
Physicians for Informed Consent’s KP Stoller, author, “Incurable Me”, on building a better health system that respects informed consent
Not only advising on life, business and health, Mr. Vera hosts a RedPill podcast to platform the change-agents who are showing the way to those of us who want a better world, and a way to profit and live life fully - as we make it so.
Independence Institute’s Linda Gorman warns no politician is supporting health reform that actually respects voluntary exchange.
Executive Coach Lee wanted to apply his tools not just to driven entrepreneurs, but also to fellow humans sinking into confused oblivion. He found memory enhancement as a key to reversing Alzheimer’s.
Despite election analysts crediting Health Freedom (MAHA voters) for Trump’s margin of victory, the MAGAns in Virginia chose someone else other than FDA conqueror Emord - here presenting how to defeat the “government WITHIN the govt”.
National Health Federation board member and founder of - and founder/owner of Vitamin Express in San Francisco and Bay Area - Michael Levesque, doubts Health Freedom will become reality without protecting each individual's right to autonomy and choice by enacting the Medical Freedom Amendment gaining the same protection as freedoms of speech and religion.
Margaret Beam suffered from Lyme disease until she worked on her depressive and toxic thoughts. Now she helps others to remove these barriers to healing, using biofield tuning & mindset coaching.
Larry Arnold has evidence that some people actually have spontaneously combusted.
Ms. Webb’s new app to personalize treatment via affordable labs, self-control of medical records, and a network of doctors both integrated and mainstream.
Audiologist Glenney on the developmental delays that signal possible vaccine injury, and the therapies she has presented to groups like Autism One.
Corey Eft on the livestock market to entice farmers to raise the clean food that MAHA consumers want.
To provide more integrated (natural) healing, doctors are forming “Private Membership Associations”, under the tutelage of PMA vendors like the one Morgan Phelps helps run.
Petra Brokken leads the effort for Safe Harbors in states from licensing threats, as long as the healer doesn’t physically put patients at risk.
Freedom Hub’s already booked through March, and you don’t want to miss any weekly invitations. Be sure you’re subscribed to both our shows at noon ET, both this health one on Wednesday’s and the Thursday zoom on controversies.
I ditto what Roman had to say, thank you Charles. The honor was mine!
Thanks for having me on Charles - was an honor! Have you heard of Calley Means, lobbyist? He recently did a podcast with Jack Kruse: