Most viewed Freedom Hub "truth" shows, 2024
Self-thinking humans still want to discuss the reality of our Earth and who runs it
Beyond Freedom Hub’s weekly show on Health Disruption, we host a second show on Thursday’s at noon ET, on controversies. We started the first show to upgrade families and business owners away from ObamaCare and into the Sharing that our brokerage was featured in Forbes magazine for selling. We started the 2nd show to solicit marginal communities to partner with us, to become cash patients and use health care as a vector to become independent of the global elitists trying to sicken and control humanity. Here were our most-viewed shows for 2024:
(For nostalgia, click here, too, for 2023’s top shows.)
#15 Living Energetics: Healing from the Toxic Soup. Discovering the university did not want him working on anything “novel,” physicist Clements moved on to remote viewing and multi-dimensional physics. With free-energy mavericks he took part in the documentary, Energy from the Vacuum. This living energetics transforms degenerative properties (like 5G wireless, etc.) into generative ones.
#14 Flat Earth Isn’t Going Away: Spinning Spaceballers Need Better Answers. Appearing recently on the show of Saturday Day Night Live alumnus Jim Breuer, Mr. Sargent opened the Flat Earth craze a decade ago with his “21 Questions for Scientists on Earth”, and grew frustrated over how weak their answers were. Are we spinning out of control on a space pear liable to be wiped out any second by an asteroid, or are we God’s chosen in the basement of an enclosed universe that our very thoughts can manipulate? And why are Antarctica and the Arctic off limits?
#13 Wireless Convenience… or Digital Prison? As chronic disease has exploded to over 60% of the population, up to 30% of all Americans suffer from Electromagnetic HyperSensitivity (EHS), which causes immune dysfunction, DNA damage, infertility, cancer, and chronic disease. Mr. Frohman, when not hosting the weekly Freedom Hub zooms, lobbies for the Natl Health Federation against bills whose synergy of antennas, smart utility meters and appliance sensors will spy on, fry, and coerce Americans - trapping all in SMART digital prisons if not checked.
#12 Disease X - Globalists’ Final Lockdown. Self-thinking folks have known since the Plandemic that the Global Perps weren’t so easily going to let us resume normal life. Energy inventor and master chemist Baine warns the evil cabal would use chemical weapons to simulate an airborne pandemic. This next genocidal wave will ensure an infertile population, as confirmed, Baine claims, by a former career CIA agent and minion of the 20th century interventionist instigator, Henry Kissinger.
#11 Where is the ‘Free Energy’ We Constantly Hear About? When the World Economic Forum realized the threat Mr. Baine’s Alpha Omega Energy imposed on mainstream profits, the global elitists blackballed him and carried on with their energy-rationing Climate Psyop. Since the time of Tesla a century ago, every energy inventor has faced the same smothering.
#10 Kill Switch to Complete Government Ruination of Cars. Why can’t we buy cars that won’t bankrupt or spy on Americans? Libertarian Car Guy and refugee from DC, Eric Peters calls himself a Vulture of the Western World. His makes the web's best Libertarian Gearhead site.
#9 Does Jacob's Death End his Rothschild Globalist Tyranny? Author of “Planet Rothschild”, and the “Bad War”, Mr. King’s “Invisible Critic” series on each decade of American History is a must, for anyone wanting a chronicle of how Rothschild's tribe assumed global control (despite temporary losses, like to President Jackson above). Nathan Rothschild a century ago threatened: "Give me control of a nation’s money supply & I care not who makes its laws." With antisemitism weaponized to chill any criticism of Jewish Power (as happened recently with Hollywood celebrity Kanye West), can departure from the Fed (& UN) allow, finally, a return of the American Republic, divorced from tribal, foreign or global interests?
#8 Holding Plandemic Globalists Accountable Before They Finish the Depopulation Scheme. Spending the Covid years in courts suing the Plandemic perps, Mr. Callendar’s FOIAs, whistleblowers and discovery have prepared him to lead Nuremberg 2.0 – holding to account the doctors whose hospital protocols killed millions, bureaucrats like Fauci who ran the pandemic, and most importantly, the global directors - like the Bill Gates & Co. billionaires behind the depopulation scheme. Can he succeed?
#7 Tartaria: Architecture Signals a Lost Civilization. With the release of Stew Peters’ groundbreaking documentary, “Old World Order”, truthers worldwide have demanded more content on the lost civilization right under our feet. Moringa and real estate salesman Landry has assembled thoughts on this theory, starting with the incredible architecture in his region around Tampa, Florida.
#6 Will Trump Let RFK & Salatin Detoxify School Lunches? Ms. Honeycutt’s Moms Across America has led efforts to detoxify school lunches, starting with farm pesticides like glyphosate. Health Freedom advocates hope incoming HHS Secretary Kennedy can goad his fellow Secretaries at Ag and EPA to limit pesticides, as well as GMOs and other threats to clean food (such as from the wireless mesh and over-vaccination).
#5 If you need Blood, will it be Vaxxtaminated? After producing a movie about sex trafficking, Dr. Baker turned to natural healing after a medical challenge with his wife. With a doctorate in Divinity and a healthy knowledge of global tyranny, Covid’s plandemic has focused him on the danger of hospital transfusions with blood tainted by the clottshot. Consider Living Wills and preventive actions to avoid tainted plasma.
#4 GMOs. Not just unhealthy, but Wrong by Every Metric. Dr. Perro warns CRISPR gene-editing, unregulated as it is, threatens unpredictable impacts and may even irreversibly harm the environment… leading to “chromosomal mayhem”. With corrupt industry hiding their franken-ingredients behind innocuous phrases like “bio-engineered” or “natural flavor”, parental education - and local organic farm support - become more important than ever.
#3 Congress Bans Criticism of Jews. What Are They Afraid Of? Jewish critic (& Scruples inventor) Makow warns the Bolshevism of his people is satanic, and that federal and state laws against Jewish Power criticism present a threat to the Free Speech Right - without which the People never will be allowed to consider hard Truths and threats to life and liberty.
#2 Death? Nope. Because You Are More Than Just A Physical Body! Soul Coach Becca Bee assists others to remember their personal "owner's manual," raising frequencies and healing DNA codes by clearing away spirit attachments that obstruct our energy flow. We experience death in many ways during one lifetime, but Becca's unique approach to trauma release and blueprint repatterning empowers individuals.
#1 Zionist threat to Americans. Fired college professor Barrett received the most views after America couldn’t stomach Israel’s genocide in Gaza. With Zionist jingoism threatening a new World War, America First is rising in popularity as an antidote. But will the global interests shut down the debate before it even starts?
HONORABLE MENTION, for shows with views just under the above:
Remote Viewing: Revealing Hidden Truths We Haven’t Been Told. Emory mathematician Courtney Brown wants public awareness on the power of remote viewing. His projects claim secret bases have human military personnel and ET’s working side by side, and this must be brought out in the open.
Iron Deficient? Actually, Excess Iron is a CURSE! Previously curating treatments based on ones genes, chiropractor Sutton now seeks mitigation of excessive iron - a result often of mainstream doctor interventions.
Zionists Collude with Retain Global Control? With incoming Trump Attorney General Bondi threatening punishment for Jewish criticism, even the targeted critics are suspicious to former congressional candidate Parker - who believes even Anti-Zionists are part of the “divide and conquer” strategy the global banksters have employed for more than a century to quell any threat to their New World Order.
The Final Frontier of Space Lies in a Hollywood Basement. When given a chance to prove Flat Earth on a recent Netflix documentary, “Behind the Curve”, Mr. Campanella experienced first-hand the corruption from the powers-that-be who would lie to retain the official narrative. Mr. Campanella was not surprised with the Hollywood abuse. Indeed, NASA’s own official videos are catastrophically flawed with CGI instead of raw photos, and anomalies suggest some of the ‘space shots’ were done in a green-screened swimming pool. Jeran then discussed the implications for his coming trip to view Antarctica’s 24 hour sun.
Time is Short to escape UN’s globalist tyranny. Drug-free psychiatrist Rima Laibow, who predicted the Fraudemic a decade ago on Jesse Ventura’s Conspiracy Theory show, warned failure to Exit the WHO would force universal medical compliance passports, cancellable central bank currency, energy-rationing carbon footprints, and trackable ID’s to coerce our behavior. Leaving the WHO is insufficient, however, because of the UN’s “sustainability” guidelines under an accord called “Agenda 2030”. Within 6-years, then, this authoritarian global government will ostensibly control our food, property, communication, finances and much more.
Absent from Election: Ending the Fed. Why are too few humans aware of the prosperity awaiting them if they just overwhelm the global bankster’s printing press? Controversial for his books against Lincoln and Hamilton, DiLorenzo said Jefferson was correct at our Founding to oppose a central bank; we must force the issue in Congress.
Escaping Demonic Space for the Creator’s Realm. Nemos shares his vision of True Earth from a biblical perspective, which fuels his provocative conclusions connecting the Fallen Angels (Nephilim) to today’s “tribe” that has a concerning and disproportionate amount of representation in the corridors of power across the globe. By connecting demonic threats with a universe corrupted by a lying government agency (NASA), Dustin has suffered more censorship than nearly any other truther. Believing any hope in Trump is misplaced, we must consider whether we are in the End Times as predicted in Revelations.
Autism - The Terrifying Epidemic. To help the mass of families impacted by autism, Ms. Slepcevic wrote “Warrior Mom: A Mother’s Journey In Healing Her Son with Autism” and founded Autism Health to educate parents on the incredible effects that nutrition and lifestyle choices have on ones functionality and the ability to lead a fulfilling life.
Investing Despite Great Reset Chaos. Mr. Borneman’s Value at Risk (VAR) model allows investors to respond appropriately even in the face of inflationary pressures, civil unrest, regional conflicts, and scarcity of necessary goods and services from environmental or human-caused disasters. The MDEF™ Investing Strategy has garnered widespread attention and acknowledgment from financial consultants, historians, and the media as it acknowledges and is responsive to all aspects of human nature, market theories and capital movement.
Shop Local, to Stave Off the Chronic Disease Epidemic. To ease the chore of finding good produce in local markets, Mr. Wilson’s GrowFetch app allows consumers to find what they need - and order it - BEFORE even going to a farmer’s market. It also helps the budding, organic growers find customers.
Can We End the Fed, Before it Implements its Orwellian Digital Currency? Mr. Day wants humans to learn the age-old value of metals like gold, and the promise of cyber currencies from private companies - not government. Private money or financing based on metals can support independence. Reliance on government and central banks risks slavery, or worse.
UFO Disclosure Ignores ABDUCTIONS. After researching hundreds of cases over decades of work for MUFON, Mr. Jordan found abductions seem to affect certain people in our society and run along family lines. Humanity needs to understand their purpose – and nail the perps, whether ETs, black ops, or something else entirely (perhaps demons). And how can the poor victims themselves find relief and protect others from being sucked into this tragedy?
Check out other fantastic episodes that unfortunately didn’t get as many views.
Freedom Hub is booked through March, so please share with friends this article, inviting them to subscribe for both this Thursday show AND our other show on Wednesday’s - on health disruption.
P.S. Don’t forget to patronize our sponsors, from DNA-based, personal supplements to Sharing upgrades from ObamaCare.