So, the entirety of society is packed with all these electronics, yet you’re pinning it on Trump?

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Yes, because with RFK aware of wireless as part of the blame for chronic disease - the real epidemic - it's inexcusable that Trump has no intention of respecting property owner preference for wired connections - and not to be forced to accept antennas outside our bedrooms and kids classrooms. If you're new to this problem, kindly click the link at the bottom of my article to catch up.

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Trump's pick: Brendan Carr, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brendan_Carr_(lawyer)

Judge for yourself… Welcome to the FCC swinging door nightmare!

Keep in mind, to date, the FCC remains non-compliant with the 2021 court order/mandate - still clings to notoriously outdated 1996 radiation exposure limits, some of the highest in the world!

As you point out, "the entirety of society is packed with all these electronics" - so, how does adhering to nearly 30 year old 1996 exposure limits make any sense today with the exponentially cumulative pervasive, invasive wireless network, including 'smart' meters, 'rapidly deployed' with rabid fervor - often in the middle of the night - without notification, nor informed consent, no way to shut it off, and no health safety studies showing no harm ??! Lack of health safety studies showing no harm DOES NOT equate to no harm being done!

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Trump also signed the Secure 5G Act, and praised "the beautiful vaccines." It's up to each of us to take our health freedom back, and we can't depend on Trump to do it for us. Like the WHO song - we "won't get fooled again."

However we must hold him accountable, and not give into hopium, otherwise Trump will never follow the will of the people. We're at a crossroads - and need to stop bickering, and start taking action in our own lives, which will then lead to positive change.

How can we reduce your wireless footprint right now? Is the question we need to ask.

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Guy isn’t even in office, yet.

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Why did you start a new thread instead of replying to my answer? Is your comment authentic, or trolling? Again, you know nothing about RFK's warning about wireless, nor Trump's past and present actions on it. I pointed out the link to read to disabuse yourself of ignorance on this topic. I guess you can lead a thirsty man to water but can't make him drink.

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Well, about what I expected.

I actually did want to discuss this, but I’ll find a less pompous, self-important prick.

Have a nice day.

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Nice. Instead of reading the article at the link above (repeated here, for the lazy: https://charlesdfrohman.substack.com/p/maha-caucus-serious) to catch up, you spew ad hominems. Probably best you hunt for wireless (or other Health Freedom) knowledge elsewhere.

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Yeah, already figured that. I would like to post our pleasant conversation, of course.

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