
This is an excellent review of the current situation in the USA. In fact, when you add all of the healthcare based lobbying expenditures is exceeds $659 million! That is a lot of influence to be paid back. Sharing is essentially a mutually beneficial group of people. Mutual associations are historic and, before Big Govt, the best way for people to solve problems and help those in need. Of course, Churches did their part too!

Medical Cost sharing is a way back to bedrock American values of cooperation at the most local of levels. There is a place in the US for Medical Cost Sharing.

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A couple of points. Carriers are generally protected by guaranty funds. Cost sharers and self insured plans are not except as creditors in general bankruptcy. Just understand that is a difference. As to cost and value no employer should use traditional self insurance with leaky stop loss much less buy a group plan. The author supports ICHRA a bailout Trump gave big employers to cheaply comply with ACA. They use this approach to fund a HRA and make available health purchase options.

A better method is to use this same approach but have the emp0loyer self insure and then fund using cost sharing and ACA plans as needed. Some health shares have a phase in that will permit the employee coverage for excluded condition until coverage is permitted. The employer bus ACA plan for cat coverage and pays a second premium to the cost share. When a house is on fire who cares the cost of water?

The employer then provides a TPA who administers the plan and the employer takes a small sliver of capitated risk to top off teh benefit provided to each employee. For any employer that must provide competitive benefits or simply wants to for moral reasons this approach is the best. For those employers seeking to comply with ACA then the pure unadulterated ICHRA is the most economical.

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Bravo! As and agent for 37 years on a sharing plan, I'm dying on this hill along with 100% reserve mutual banking. I started my career in an agency owned by Blue Cross of WA, when policies were community rated and guarantee issue until the stock carriers came into the market and took the cream. BC had even returned premiums to policyholders my first year in 1985. A community risk pool must exist on some level like a power company or water district but it does not have to mean single payer by any stretch of the imagination. Rockefeller Medicine by Eustace Mullins is at the root of the monopoly called Healthcare and it's anything but healthcare. It is extortion! The only thing government is good at other than counterfeiting and spending.

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