Trump’s allowing anyone to get nominated to help Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. (RFK) reverse Chronic Disease, via employment at the relevant health bureaucracy in Washington, D.C. I need your “upvote” to gain attention for my application.
I think I’m more qualified than most other applicants, because of my unique combination of leadership in health freedom AND health financing, as well as over half a decade of weekly zoom’s with healthcare’s best innovators. I know as much as anyone else how to free up the health market to stop hurting Americans. If you agree, I need your “upvote” at the above link.
RFK seemed to recognize “NHF”, my lobbying client, when I told him after his Richmond campaign event why I attended it.
For health freedom, for almost 5 years I’ve been at least one of the main lobbyists on Capitol Hill for Health Freedom. When other health freedom advocates felt comfortable testifying at FDA or CDC against extension of the emergency authoritization of the clottshot for toddlers, I felt what would make a bigger impact entailed getting actual politicians to weigh in against the vaccine train. We couldn’t win without making our elected representatives take a stand on the forced jabbing that even now is exacerbating injury and death. NHF has now a simple email you can send to your politicians, to support a strong Chronic Disease Commission.
In health financing I got our brokerage featured in a Forbes Magazine article on alternatives to the ObamaCare that was pricing entrepreneurs out of insurance. Much like leaving a bank for a credit union, we help families and businesses upgrade to the more affordable Medical Cost Sharing. Sharing is better than insurance in that it replaces networks that handcuff patient choice, with incentives to shop on price. Enabling the cash market is critical, if America ever wants an actual market in health services.
Disrupting the insurance cartel with cash patients also helps the doctors and healers looking at root causes of disease, as opposed to mere suppression of symptoms. That’s because in the effort to save money - or building balances in tax-advantaged Health Savings Accounts - our brokerage incents patients to seek less costly, more natural care alternatives.
And only via patient seeking of superior, more natural care, will America reverse the ever-increaing chronic disease epidemic.
Upgrading to cash health shopping doesn’t fix the chronic disease epidemic, however. Regardless of how many adjustments one gets from chiropractors, how often one meditates and exercises, or eats healthfully, chronic disease will remain as long as we continue swimming in the Toxic Soup. As RFK eloquently explains, and as the Environmental Protection Agency reported, the chronic disease epidemic started in the late 1980s and stems synergestically from pollution of our air, water, land, food and medicines. Each of these toxins hides behind some capture by cronies of the bureaucracies that regulate them.
Farms are being poisoned, including by the wireless mesh hurting cows, as I discussed with family farm icon Joel Salatin - under consideration like RFK for a Trump spot, at DoAg.
Pharma’s capture of CDC forces students to take toxic shots that via several studies explodes chronic disease by over 1,000%. Their capture of FDA persecutes natural competitors that threaten pHARMa profits.
Telecom’s capture of the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) exposes families to radiation-emitting antennas force-deployed outside our bedrooms, classrooms and local parks - when we’ve already paid for a wired Internet connection to every property owner’s home.
RFK’s org, CHD, asked me to warn the grassroots about Telecom’s onslaught of Wireless bills.
Big Food’s capture of USDA is reforming the Food Pyramid in a way that deemphasizes chronic disease. Big Biotech got the Environmental Protection Agency to approve dangerous pesticides and GMOs. EPA also was defunded for any wireless radiation harm studies, and deemphasized for regulating aviation-induced cloudiness (geoengineering).
Big Medicine’s capture of HHS is sickening patients with pHARMa-dominated protocols leaving maverick, integrated healers at the mercy of state licensing boards and loss of hospital privileges.
On top of my lobbying for Health Freedom and upgrading businesses away from ObamaCare, my weekly Health zoom has introduced me to innovators in all other facets of the health market. Here were our most-viewed shows in 2023.
I’ve been interviewed a lot this year, including by holistic pharmacist Needham.
As far as helping RFK win via the Chronic Disease Commission, he needs someone like me also for my 30 years of experience in government-related endeavors. I’ve started national grassroots movements (to defend mortgage brokers from class action anihilation), represented the premier libertarian think tank on Capitol Hill, passed bills out of committee and a resolution into law, and given speeches to large audiences or on radio shows. Now I’m the lead lobbyist against Telecom’s wireless threat and using Open Enrollment to free up as many cash patients as I can.
Everyone: I’d appreciate your “upvote” to boost my nomination.
RFK - message me please via my LinkedIn!
I voted for you. Hope you get in. Good Luck.